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 First Year Signings

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Posts : 78
Join date : 2008-03-11

First Year Signings Empty
PostSubject: First Year Signings   First Year Signings Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2008 6:35 pm

am going to allow every team to resign any player that is a NEED on your team, not need by rating but need by roster breakdown. So a team needs 2 QB's, and if you have 3 and one to resign, you still have to use contract points, but if you have 3 RB's and a 1 year contract, you can resign them for free.
All resignings that are needed are between 2-4 years. Every team can resign 3 NEEDED players to 4 year contracts, 5 to 3 year contracts, and as many as you need to 2 year contracts. You can make them longer, but the extra years need to be on contract points. for example
A team needs 3 RB's. If a team has 3, and 1 on 1 year contract, they can resign them. If he is a 90, and you want a 6 year deal it would work like this

Resign RB 90 overall to 6 years. 4 years free, 2 years 9.0*2=18.0 points
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